Saturday, May 2, 2009

Introductions: Charles McDonald, Platte County Democratic Party Chairperson

Welcome to the great debate. Here is practiced the democratic principle that moves our country. Dialog about the issues of our lives, creating a consensus for how politics and policies can aid us where we need them. Part soapbox, part reporting, part editorial, here is where you can come to see the Democratic Party movement in Platte County and the state of Wyoming. Here we can cast the stones that will ripple out and affect our lives.

As the new chairperson for the Democratic party of Platte County allow me to introduce myself. My history with the party is inherited ( as I believe most of us do ) from my parent. A single mom during the late sixties and into the seventies, she instilled in me a liberal view of the world. My formative years are marked by the Civil Rights movement, Feminism, retaining the rights of individual liberty and our responsibility to community. I am a liberal and an activist. I work at the Safeway in Wheatland and am the chief steward of the Union here. The steward position brings with it the skills of leadership I will use as chairperson.

In the coming weeks and months I and others will open up debate and dialog here. Michael is our monitor and administrator for the site and I thank him for all of his efforts and work. He is our Technology/Communications officer. This site gives us voice to the Platte county community and the who, what, when and where of our political party here. Politics is said to be an art, so consider this to be our public gallery as the art of politics is practiced. I am excited and proud to be a part of this community and wish to serve it well.

1 comment:

Michael said...

I'm glad to help, and look foward to some great conversations on the blog and around the county!