I'm probably like many people in that my interest in politics is sometimes cyclical, following the ebb and flow of the elections. I'm quite obsessive in the preceding months up to election day, and then feel the need to focus on other interests. This would explain the lack of posts on this site since November. I've spent some time recently updating the sidebars, adding in contact information for our new Platte County Democratic Party officers, as well as our elected officials information.
As I come back to posting here, I find proof that I am not alone in the lack-of-updating department. I've browsed around on the sidebar links and see that many of our Democrat related sites could sorely use some fresh information. Our state party website is a good example. I don't know at this time how big of a team Bill Luckett has to help run the site, and I see that his blog info is new, which is great. But searching around the site I find "The Statesmen" link brings me to a 2007 .pdf file, the calendar page is empty, and I grimaced at the link titled "Wyoming for Kerry".
Now how about those "Young Democrats of Wyoming"? Surely if anyone would be hands on regarding the web it would be the tech savvy under thirty-five crowd, correct? Surprisingly, I had trouble finding them on the web. A google search leads me to the DNC webpage, which links to a "Party Builder" page, which was a dead end. How about the social sites? YDWY has a group on Facebook. The last "recent news" comes from last springs state convention, and the most recent wall post is dated September 5th, 2008. With 87 members (at the time of this post) I would expect at least one mention of the Obama win, or disappointment expressed over our state Democrat losses, yet there is not.
I look at how this would be perceived by a person looking to be involved with the Democratic party. How does this look to someone seeking to stay informed and perhaps converse with other fellow Democrats in the state? My fear is that the outdated info leaves doubt that the party is engaged. When we are trying to encourage people to join and participate, I think it is in our best interest to keep these sites fresh. It is not my intent to criticize, I know it is not easy to find the time to do this. But I do think it is important. We have some great new leadership in the party, and I am hopeful that the lines of communication will be open and utilized.