Saturday, February 26, 2011

WyWatch keeping tabs on our State House and Senate

If you are a Facebook user, I suggest checking out the WyWatch Watchers group, which is doing a fine job of keeping tabs on the legislation and proposals that affect our personal freedoms.

There is just one week to go until the 2011 legislature session. The Republican Party candidates have clearly shown what kind of power trip they go on when they have control of the house, senate, and governorship of our state. It hasn't been pretty to watch, but hopefully this will get our party riled up and start planning for the 2012 election cycle. We need to toss out our district representatives. They have helped push through legislation that denies equality to all Wyoming citizens, and have successfully pushed their so-called morality issues while blindly ignoring our U.S. constitution.

Our county caucus is fast approaching in March. I'd like to see some serious discussion concerning our need to fight back and put some people in power that want to prevent this state from continuing down the path of prejudice and hate mongering.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Senator Enzi's Light Bulb Moment

In the news...
Senator Enzi has got this all figured out. Our state government is finding new ways to interfere with our civil rights, such as the right to marry the person you love, and interfering with your personal choice to have an abortion. These are merely small fry state issues. Enzi, meanwhile, is taking care of the really important issues: Giving the people a choice of the type of light bulb they can buy, an energy saving one or a old style inefficient incandescent one.