On Tuesday, October 28, the debate between Nick Carter and John Barrasso took place on PBS. The whole debate, as well as the debates from the two previous nights, can be seen on the
PBS website.
The discussion included climate change, diverse energy major investment in clean coal, wind energy, global warming, Pinedale and the environment regarding natural gas, public funding for campaigning and elections, the bailout, our policies of when we should go to war, government spending, Wyoming and our wolf policy. In the "question each other" portion, they discussed the inheritance tax, fair tax policies, an AARP questionnaire, showing up for debates, the decision of voting on bills with "pork", and amnesty to illegal aliens. Of course, we had closing statements.
I have to admit, I thought John Barrasso did the better job in this debate. I stated in a previous post that I am in agreement with Barrasso on his choice to vote no on the bailout. But I am still quite opposed to a good majority of Barrasso's stances, including his position on abortion, taxes, prayer in school, and gay rights. He let's his religious views get in the way of his job to represent ALL the people of Wyoming. Separation of church and state, Senator. It's written down for a reason.