Monday, November 3, 2008

On Election Eve, The Star-Tribune endorses Obama

In this morning's Casper paper, the editorial board of the Star-Tribune endorsed Barack Obama for President. Am I surprised? Somewhat. Am I encouraged by this? Yes. A few highlights:

What America needs most in these troubled times is a president who will move the country in a positive direction. The candidate who is most likely to chart a new course that will lead us to better days is Obama. Moreover, he is the best candidate for Wyoming.

Wyoming's energy-based economy is faring better than the nation's, but there's no guarantee that will last forever. Obama supports the development of clean-coal technology, which could assure a future for our vast coal resources. His focus on energy independence through a major investment in alternative energy research and development could lead to the creation of new industry and jobs in the state, and dovetails nicely with the work being done at the new School of Energy Resources at the University of Wyoming.

McCain's selection of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, however, shows extremely poor judgment. She has shown repeatedly that she is simply not ready to fill McCain's shoes.

With his emphasis on diplomacy along with a commitment to protecting America, Obama gives us our best hope of regaining the respect of other nations.

His campaign has been an honorable one that has focused on inclusiveness and hope. The three presidential debates showed Obama to be a calm, thoughtful leader with a unique vision of the future. The contrast with his opponent, who seemed angry and erratic, could not have been more stark or more telling.We endorse Barack Obama for president.

Wyoming as a whole will most assuredly give our three electoral college votes to John McCain, but I don't believe he will get to the magic number of 270. I know Barack Obama is the better choice to improve our lives. I am optimistic about tomorrow, as well as the future of this country.


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