Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Platte County Democrats Elect Officers

The Platte County Democrats met at the county library on March 22nd to hold elections and discuss plans for the party. Thanks to all who came out to vote! Our new Chairperson is Terry Jones, and our new Vice-Chairperson is Stacey Reichardt! Continuing as our Secretary is Rick Robbins, and maintaining the Treasurer position is Jeff Wilhelm. Michael Crowley (yours truly) is our State Committeeman, and the position of State Committeewoman will be appointed soon.

We were very fortunate to have Brianna Jones, Wyoming Democratic Party Communications Director, with us to review the party's upcoming goals and to discuss the Affordable Care Act, reviewing some of the benefits available to Wyoming citizens. For example, did you know about 9,000 Wyoming residents with preexisting conditions qualify for affordable insurance, but only 50 enrolled for the program? Go to www.pcip.gov for more information.

Brianna will be pursuing other personal goals starting in May, and thus will not continue in her current position. She has been a great asset to the party, and I know our next Communications Director will have big shoes to fill. Good luck and thanks for all your hard work, Brianna!

Our Platte County Democrats members discussed short term goals, and we will be looking at having regular meetups to work on goals, party promotion, and ways to improve local politics!

If you aren't on the local party e-mail list, please send us a message and you will be added. Also, please add to our discussions by joining our Facebook group. This group requires a request to join, so that we can keep it to just to members of our party.

2012 is just around the corner, it's time to get this party energized! Stay tuned...

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