Thursday, March 3, 2011

Wyoming State Senate Kills HB74

Two articles were posted this morning regarding how HB74, the validity of marriage bill, was stopped:

From the second piece: "WyWatch State Director Becky Vandeberge was disappointed with the vote, but says she will keep working to keep same-sex unions from being recognized in the state. "The goal here was to get a voting record on a clean bill that defines marriage as between one man and one woman," she said. "And now we have that for the next election."

I couldn't agree more Becky. In Platte County, all of our representatives attempted to pass law that simply pushes for inequality. Senators Curt Meier and Jim Anderson, Representatives Matt Teeters and Frank Peasley all voted Yea on SJ005, the defense of marriage constitutional amendment. It was placed in the general file and was not considered in the committee of the whole. Then our all Republican "representatives" got behind HB74, which was defeated in the Senate yesterday.

Our elected leaders disguise their motivations as being sound, rational attempts at "creating consistent verbiage" across the board to guide our court systems. But I truly feel this is all religiously motivated, an attempt by followers of the christian bible to influence politics, and deny other Wyomingites the freedoms that they themselves enjoy. There is a reason why we have separation of church and state. These Platte County senators and representatives don't understand it. You have the right to practice religion, but you do not have the right to push your agenda on others through the government.

By the way, the e-mails I sent to Frank Peasley and Matt Teeters went unanswered. Thanks for the representation and response to a constituent, gentleman. Outstanding work.

This issue was only one of several bills this legislative session considered to interfere and control the rights of Wyomingites. They wanted government prescriptions for abortions. They tried to force children to recite the Pledge of Allegiance. Is if this is the Republicans idea of smaller government, I'm afraid they have their wires crossed. Next election cycle, we certainly will remember this.

EDIT: and from the trib:

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