Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Gary Trauner, a non-partisan choice for Wyoming

There is a good article appearing today in the Jackson Hole Star Tribune covering Gary Trauner on the campaign trail. Here's an excerpt:
Trauner said he connects with members of the GOP by helping them understand that he's fed up with partisan politics in Washington. He also acknowledges up front
that they may not agree on every issue."When they hear that I think the biggest
problem in Washington, D.C., is blind loyalty to party on both sides, that
loosens people up pretty fast," Trauner said.He also likes to tell people that
he's a "regular guy," not a career politician, and didn't even consider running
for Congress until a few years ago."I am just a regular guy with kids who got
fed up and decided to run for Congress," Trauner said to just about everybody he
met in Cheyenne.

If you watched the debate from Monday, you'll have noticed that Gary is on point regarding his non-partisan approach. He tackled Cynthia Lummis' question to him about voting for Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House by saying, and I'm paraphrasing here, if there was a better choice presented to him, he'd surely choose him or her. Gary Trauner is the candidate who is going to speak his mind. Cynthia Lummis keeps repeating that she is for "Wyoming Values", which I feel she thinks is equivocal to "Republican Values". They are not one in the same, I assure you. We have had years of voting along party lines. It's time to put in a Wyoming Congressman that thinks for himself. Gary Trauner is that candidate.

Full article:

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